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  • Writer's pictureLeanne Sharp

Is There a Happy Ending? A Look into the IVF Journey Timeline

I can't believe it has been nearly half a year since I last posted anything to do with our journey!

The last we spoke about was my hysteroscopy and laparoscopy and how much of a journey that was.

So to summarise, where we are today on our IVF journey...

We have heard nothing from the fertility clinic since the operation (they did say they would be in touch in about 6 months), and I still have the doctors words ringing in my ears that I need to do more exercise to lose more weight.

Me and Dave have been pretty consistent with our exercise regime which is positive and I would expect to hear something from the fertility clinic as a 'follow up' over the next month or so.

Now, things may have seemed a little bit on the quiet side with the blog... and that they have been! It goes to show that time does fly when you're having fun. Me and Dave were talking the other night and it made me realise the time it has been since I last posted anything and thought now is probably the right time.

So I have been super busy with work, you know... cost of living crisis as a small business owner takes alot of effort to keep the wheels turning! And Dave has been busy taking over the world and doing monthly challenges to raise money for charity, so he hasn't had much time to think either.

Now, time for the real update... A few weeks ago, we were going through a lot with work and the usual stresses of life which were starting to take it's toll on both of us and me particularly... I put it down to the fact I have the clinic to manage, a house to run and the commitment to fitness to maintain and like many of us I was starting to feel a little under the weather and quite frankly I was absolutely knackered. A few weeks went by and i wasn't able to snap out of it which was becoming draining in itself.

I noticed I hadn't had a period for a few weeks which anyone who has followed along with the blog from the beginning will know this isn't uncommon and I put it down to the stress of life.

There was a little part of me that thought should I do a test? Surely all the signs are there to suggest I may be pregnant but why would I want to put myself through that disappointment again? The hollowness that inevitably follows after every time I have done one of these tests. Why bother...

A few days past and I was still feeling the same and thought what the hell?! I have some tests anyway and if I don't use them they will probably expire so lets get rid.

Ladies... We've all been there. The wait is the longest thing in the world and I was pretty

sure I'd see a negative result so I didn't think much of it. A couple of minutes later I checked... POSITIVE!

My heart sank... I didn't believe it... POSITIVE! I got another out and over the course of the next few days must have done 3 or 4, you know, just to be sure.

When I got the first results I couldn't contain myself. I was thinking of ways I could tell Dave in a big gesture. But then realised... thats not me! So I rang him whilst he was at work and the usual happy self he is. "you alright?" as I can hear him totally engaged with something else... So I told him there and then and the silence spoke volumes. He was as shocked as me!

As my periods are irregular it was difficult for me to determine how far along I was so I got booked in to the doctors to confirm that I was pregnant and get booked in to the midwife.

We are now a little over 14 weeks and everything seems to be going well so far!

So... as far as our IVF journey goes... This could be the end before it even started.

3 years in the process to catch naturally! So here's two fingers to the doctor telling me I need to lose weight and a great big hug to anyone who isn't having as much luck just yet and is still going on their own IVF journey!

Please keep sharing your stories with us and I really hope that by us being so open it has helped at least one person!


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